Sunday, November 1, 2009

Which Is Your Favorite Monster? Poll Results.

Tonight we find out which movie monster was voted the best. I really wasn't sure how this poll would end, but I was quite surprised by the results. The winner is....well, it was a tie! The Invisible Man and Frankenstein tied for first place! They each got 37% of the votes, with Dracula coming in behind them with 27%. Not one person voted for The Mummy or The Wolfman.

"The Invisible Man" was made in 1933, and was directed by James Whale. It was based on the classic book of the same name by H.G. Wells. I haven't read the book yet, but I plan to in the near future. I've heard that it's wonderful! Claude Rains as the Invisible Man. I love Claude Rains! I think that he is one of the best actors ever in film. He was such a versatile actor. It is always such a treat for me to watch one of his films. In "The Invisible Man" you really hardly ever see Claude Rains, because he's invisible of course! His voice is so recognizable though, and it's great to hear it throughout the film. It's a fun movie all around. I haven't seen it for a while now, so I guess I'll have to one of these days.
"Frankenstein" was made in 1931, and was also directed by James Whale. It was based on the classic book by Mary Shelley. This book I have read, actually just a few months ago. The classic movie is not too much like the book, but great movie making just the same. Boris Karloff of course plays the monster. What can I say about Boris Karloff? Can you get anyone better than him to play the monster? Glenn Strange also played the monster after Karloff, and did a great job, as did Lon Chaney Jr. and others. I have to say though, that Boris Karloff was the best. He also played in many other classic horror films. It so amazing just to watch him act! "Frankenstein" is my favorite classic horror film, and has always been my personal favorite movie monster.

I was really surprised that Dracula did not at least tie for first. Bela Lugosi was the best and most recognizable Dracula there ever was. How could anyone forget his piercing stare! It's always so much fun for me to do these polls. I love to see what everyone's favorites are. I hope that you enjoy them too! Don't forget to cast your vote on my current poll for Clark Gable's best partner!

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